Author: patrick

a musical history lesson

a musical history lesson

toubab krewe at zydeco brought the heat


classic TAB… CLASSIC!!!

classic TAB… CLASSIC!!!

3 hours & 25 minutes of music, but who’s counting…


a halloween in indio

a halloween in indio

a halloween phish festival in a desert paradise, who could ask for more


nye in asheville

nye in asheville

several of us gathered together for a new years eve shenanigan in asheville, the following events unfolded…


vegas, need i say more

vegas, need i say more

an office trip to AutoDesk University in Las Vegas, an all around incredible week


post Phish in Charlottesville

post Phish in Charlottesville

after an excellent show, another day to relax


an evening in Charlottesville

an evening in Charlottesville

the final night of fall tour wraps up in snowy Charlottesville


end with a fourth

end with a fourth

the final night of phish’s four night return to red rocks


another beautiful day

another beautiful day

a balanced breakfast, mock show, day three!


a second helping with rain

a second helping with rain

the 2nd of the 4 nights, one of the best, including the rain